Saturday 16 May 2020

The Handbook Of Alchemy And Metaphysics

Operation Chaos.

Virginia has "...the Handbook of Alchemy and Metaphysics under her arm." (X, p. 64) I remembered that Valeria Matuchek, daughter of Steve and Virginia, consulted some reference books in the Old Phoenix. Instead of going upstairs for my copy of A Midsummer Tempest, I searched the blog and found Ways Of Knowing: Tomorrow Is Yesterday where, sure enough, it is recorded that Valeria consulted the Handbook as well as Sokolnikoff's Introduction to Paratemporal Mathematics. It is good when small details are kept consistent.

Remember that saber-tooth in the Caton Road post? Matuchek dealt with it by transforming into a wolf and chasing it:

"...into a tree until somebody could call the Exorcism Department." (IX, p. 60)

Not cat and dog but tiger and wolf. Presumably, when exorcised, the mass that had been transformed into a tiger returned to wherever it had been transported from.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm rather dazed by the idea of PARATEMPORAL MATHEMATICS! (Smiles) But something like that would probably make sense if there are indeed alternate worlds.

Ad astra! Sean