Sunday 17 May 2020

Human And Animal

Operation Chaos, XVII.

Matuchek is a wolf:

"The earth was a dazzle of moonlight. My nose caught smells of dust, sage, cactus, kelp, and salt more remotely; my ears heard a bat's sonar squeak, the terrified scuttering of a jackrabbit; my pelt tingled with sensations for which men have no words." (p. 114; my emphases.)

The psychology of metamorphosis:

"I felt my human torture no longer. The lupine brain could only hold clean, murderous carnivore thoughts. It was like being reborn. I understand that some psychiatrists have gotten good results by turning their patients into animals." (ibid.)

As with a previous remark (see Knowing The World), Matuchek says something that would make sense if lycanthropy and other kinds of metamorphosis were possible.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I was interested by that idea of using lycanthropy as a means for treating psychoses and neuroses. I wonder if that would actually work, at least for some?

Yet another detail I never thought before of taking heed of in my previous readings of OPERATION CHAOS!

Ad astra! Sean