Sunday 17 May 2020

Judaism, Johanninism And Science

Operation Chaos, XXI-XXII.

Matuchek's colleague, Ike Abrams is not Orthodox, Reform or Neo-Chassidic but Conservative. (XXII, p. 153) I had not known that Orthodox and Conservative were different.

On p. 153, the Johannine priest, Initiate Fifth Class Marmiadon, chants words unknown to Matuchek:


I have found these words in this order here.

Matuchek tells us that, in his timeline, there are:

"...modern scientific discoveries proving the reality of the Divine and things like absolute evil, atonement, and an afterlife." (XXI, p. 147)

- but that a lot more still remains unknown. Magic involves contact with demons so I suppose that other supernatural data follow from that.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I am surprised you had not known Conservative Jews are not the same as Orthodox Jews.

So that list of words chanted by Marmiadon were not simply made up by Anderson, but taken by him from one of the Gnostic apocryphal works rejected by the Church, the "Infancy Gospel of Thomas." An excellent example of how deeply and thoroughly Anderson did his research!

I'll have to see if the "Infancy Gospel" is included in a collection of gnostic works I have which was translated and pub. in the Anchor Bible series, specializing in scholarly translations of the Biblical books and other works relating to the Bible.

Ad astra! Sean