Saturday 16 May 2020

Fighting Fire With...

Operation Chaos, X.

How to extinguish a fire elemental:

it and a Hydro of corresponding mass would mutually annihilate;

an Earth elemental could bury it;

an Air elemental could withdraw oxygen from it;

the dismissal spell would dismiss it.


fire, faster than the other elements, can flee as they approach;

the dismissal spell has to be said in the elemental's presence and takes two minutes, long enough for it to escape or to burn down its would-be dismisser.

Possible results of a salamander on the loose:

a big battle with conjured counter-elementals;
control difficulties;
incidental damage.

We sit comfortably at home and enjoy their problems - but our world has forest fires.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

But at least a forest fire is unlikely to cause as much damage as a salamander run amok would do!

Ad astra! Sean