Thursday 21 May 2020

The Mana In The Emblems

Although I reached the conclusion of Poul Anderson's Operation Chaos here, careful readers will notice that I have missed a point which I will now retrieve.

In Mana, we noticed that mana remained in the emblems of gods no longer worshiped. In Matuchek's Moment Of Realization, we described three deities invoked by the mana of the signs on the emblems borne by the Matucheks.

It remains to describe those emblems:

an owl pin;
a carved feathered serpent;
a silver hammer pendant.
-Operation Chaos, XXXI, pp. 248-249.

Thus, the three powerful figures, when they appeared in Chapter XXXIII, were not dei ex machina but had been carefully prepared for.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

A writer as careful as Poul Anderson was would prepare the way for these mythological figures appearing in the story. Hence the owl pin, carved figurine, and silver hammer.

Ad astra! Sean