Sunday 17 May 2020


Operation Chaos.

I was having trouble with a word, then googling revealed a meaning. Maledicto says:

"'Ah, sir, 'tis good you've come. New-wedded folk are aye overflowing full of love, and Cybelita has long been as parched as Amaris.'" (XV, p. 105)

He explains that Cybelita is his sister but what is the parched "Amaris"? Even more puzzling, when Maledicto, an incubus, is seducing Virginia, she whispers:

"'No... No, help, don't, Amaris, Amaris, Amaris.'" (XVI, p. 109)

First, I found a meaning. See image. Then, checking back through Anderson's text for Maledicto's full name, I found that he had already told us that his first name was "Amaris" (XV, p. 102)! So I was looking for something that we had already been told. Oh well, it pays to pay attention to the text.

We can now deduce that, if Amaris is an incubus, then Cybelita is a succubus. In other words, the supposed brother and sister are a single demon. Steve will go through the same trial as Virginia.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I also thought of how Amaris' "sister" Cybelita's name reminded me of the pagan mother goddess Cybele, originating from Phrygia in Anatolia. Who was served by eunuch priests.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Goddesses, ok. Eunuch priests, no!


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Well, these crude, primitive fertility "goddesses" often seem to have gross, sexually debased cults or very peculiar priesthoods.

No, it's far better to turn towards the the true God, as revealed thru the Judaeo/Christian revelation.

Ad astra! Sean