Tuesday 19 May 2020

Myths That Live

Neil Gaiman says in the Introduction to his retelling of Norse myths that myths live when we retell them. So don't just read them; tell them to others. See Retellings; also here.

In Poul Anderson's works:

Anderson retells several Norse myths in War Of The Gods;

Operation Luna includes a scene from Norse mythology (see Mimir);

Carl Farness researches and becomes stories about Odin in "The Sorrow of Odin the Goth";

stories about Odin's son, Thor, are retold in the remote future of World Without Stars.

When meditating this afternoon, I remembered the story of Thor's servant, Thialfi, losing three races to Hugi, only to be told afterwards that "Hugi" is thought, which is faster than anything else.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

There's also Holger Carlsen, the hero of THREE HEARTS AND THREE LIONS, who discovered that he was actually Holger Danske, a major character in the Carolingian legendarium.

And were legends eventually woven around Dominic Flandry, in the Technic timeline? We are told both Manual Argos and Roan Tom became legendary.

Ad astra! Sean