Thursday 21 May 2020

Progress In The Goetic Universe

At the beginning of Operation Chaos, it is known on the goetic Earth that there is a Heaven and a hell universe.

During the novel, it is learned how to travel to and from the hell universe and also how to remain sane while there.

By the end and beginning of the novel:

parallel Earths are suspected;

inter-universal telepathy is attempted;

although the goetic Earth is now safe from hellish incursions, a warning is broadcast because the war between Law and Chaos is common to all universes and because they share the same Adversary.

Matuchek says:

"We have learned certain things."
-Operation Chaos, p. 2 -

- but does not say what. However, his warning serves its purpose as a dramatic introduction to the novel.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

THREE HEARTS AND THREE LIONS also has an introduction, setting the stage for alternate universes. And the struggle between Law and Chaos is also important there.

Ad astra! Sean