Wednesday 20 May 2020

A Time Travel Hypothesis

Operation Chaos, XXXIII.

It seems that a demon abducted Valeria because of an impulsive curse by a single Johannine, not because of any Johannine plot, but I will confirm or disconfirm this before finishing the current rereading of the novel, probably tomorrow.

Let us finish today with a hypothetical time travel paradox. If the Matucheks arrive in the hell universe early enough to prevent Valeria's kidnapper from departing on his kidnapping mission, then what happens?

I suggest that the Matucheks return to a goetic universe in which:

Valeria was not kidnapped;
the Matucheks did not set off to rescue her;
thus, they have duplicated themselves.

However, they have left behind them a goetic universe in which:

Valeria was kidnapped;
her parents set off to rescue her and did not return;
Valeria was taken to the hell universe and was not rescued, at least not by her parents.

That is the best that I can come up with tonight.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It's complications like these which makes trying to make sense of time traveling so painful to one's head! (Smiles)

Ad astra! Sean