Wednesday 20 May 2020

Goetic Hyperspace

Operation Chaos, XXXII.

Paranatural forces act in hyperspace. (p. 254) This makes sense of the claim that these forces are not limited by light speed. See Paranature.

We deduce that faster than light interstellar travel will be easy in the goetic timeline and that explorers will find different kinds of paranatural beings and magical practices in other planetary systems.

However, it is late; I am running out of steam and might not complete what has become the usual ten posts per day. Soon, I will finish rereading Operation Chaos and begin to reread Operation Luna. Much more seems to have come out of ...Chaos this time and there is bound to be much more that I have not noticed yet.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I am not so sure FTL travel in the goetic timeline of the OPERATION books will be that easy, quick to gain, simple, etc., because that is not the case in OPERATION LUNA. But I don't want to say too much about the plot of that book just now!

Ad astra! Sean