Saturday 9 May 2020

Future Earth

In a future history series, we can follow the narrative into space and forget about Earth:

although James Blish's Cities In Flight follows They Shall Have Stars and A Life For The Stars with Earthman, Come Home, it concludes in another universe;

Blish's The Seedling Stars ends so far in the future that the changed Earth is about to be reclaimed by Adapted Men;

Poul Anderson's Technic History ends with four stories set further and further away in interstellar space;

Anderson's Psychotechnic History ends when Galactic human beings return to Earth but only to evacuate the remaining population.

The Psychotechnic History shows us four stages of the future Earth:


1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I remember Daven Laure, in "Starfog," briefly wondering at one moment what had happened to Old Earth. But Terra was so far away in space and time from his concerns that this wondering was only for a moment or two.

Ad astra! Sean