Friday 6 November 2020

Six Characters Interact


The six survivors are bound for Dulua where our Gaean viewpoint character, Vanna, resides so it seems that there will be, if not a happy union, then at least an unhappy encounter. Norries and Maurai are enemies but must cooperate to survive as the wilderness expert, Ronica, spells out:

"'...we've got to hang together on the trail. Else we may not live to backstab each other in Dulua. Give me your pledge - cooperation, yes, comradeship - or by God, I'll strike off alone and leave you here to die!'" (p. 231)

The other five must respond. Poul Anderson, having created a cast of distinctive characters, is now able to encapsulate each in a single phrase:

"Iern suppressed a protest; Plik wet his lips; Mikli seemed thoughtful; Terai glowered; Wairoa waited impassive. After a while, they mumbled agreement." (ibid.)

Individuals react. As a group, of necessity, they consent.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It might have been interesting if Anderson had shown one of those six characters objecting so strongly to Ronica's demand that he got abandoned in the forest. But that would have meant a very different story!

Ad astra! Sean