Monday 2 November 2020

Personal Views Of Religion

While discussing Poul Anderson's works, we contemplate various religious traditions, whether real, like Buddhism and Christianity, or fictional, like Gaeanity and Cosmenosis. Fictional religions even include the beliefs of aliens like the Ythrians. We also compare Anderson's sf and fantasy narratives with others, e.g., by Olaf Stapledon, CS Lewis and James Blish, that address religious issues.

As part of this process, we can each state what we ourselves believe. With this in mind, I here link to a post that I have just published on another blog.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

There's also the monotheistic faith of the non-human Ivanhoans we see in Anderson's "The Three-Cornered Wheel." That story gives us some details about that religion.

Ad astra! Sean