Saturday 20 February 2021

Several Women

A Knight Of Ghosts And Shadows, XIV.

Of the three heroines in the The Imperial Stars/Young Flandry Trilogy:

Persis d'Io's son is in A Knight...;
Flandry discusses whether Djana's curse remains applicable;
Kathryn McCormac was very like Kossara Vymezal.

So we never escape from our pasts? In any case, Poul Anderson's Dominic Flandry series is a continuous narrative from beginning to end although its internal interconnections are so multifarious and understated that we might have forgotten some of them by the time we have read as far as the end of the concluding volume. When we last see Flandry, he is married to the daughter of the man who had been his mentor in the opening volume and is in the company of his daughter by another woman whom he had met between volumes.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I remember how, in THE REBEL WORLDS, we see Flandry thinking that Kathryn McCormac reminded him of his mother. Only the second time in all the stories that we see any mention of his mother!

Ad astra! Sean