Friday 19 February 2021

An Omelet And Fresh-Baked Bread

A Knight Of Ghosts And Shadows, XII.

At breakfast in Dominic Flandry's Hooligan, en route from Diomedes to Dennitza, orange juice shines and coffee is fragrant. (Three senses.)

Flandry has been avoiding Kossara. She asks him about himself, then offers to help him with his Serbic lessons and to tell him about Dennitza:

"'The time has been lonely for me, Dominic.'
"'For us both,' he said as though dazed.
"Chives brought in an omelet and fresh-baked bread." (p. 494)

Chives provides a Pathetic Fallacy. A meal with eggs and fresh-baked bread complements the new relationship between Flandry and Kossara. Chives enters at just the right moment bearing just the right gifts.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree, a very nice, skillfully written passage!

Ad astra! Sean