Friday 26 February 2021

Fictional Dynasties

Poul Anderson's first Terran Emperor: 
Manuel I.
Isaac Asimov's first Galactic Emperor: 
Frankenn I.
CS Lewis's first King of Narnia: 
Frank I.

Any more? No doubt there are Tolkien equivalents.
Despite their similar names, I do not think that there is any connection between the first King of Narnia and the first Galactic Emperor.
Poul Anderson contributed one Robots short story to Asimov's Robots and Empire future history series. Although that story is set long before the Empire, it nevertheless comprises an Andersonian contribution to the Asimovian future history. Thus, the Complete Works of Poul Anderson and the Complete Robots and Empire future history series intersect in this single story. Readers can move from it in either or both directions. 


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And besides Manuel I and Great, there was Manuel the Wise, who might have been the Manuel II mentioned in "Sargasso of Lost Spaceships."

Asimov tells us a bit more about the origins and history of the First Galactic Empire in THE CURRENTS OF SPACE.

Tolkien? Of course! There was Elros Tar-Minyatur, the first King of Numenore. Elendil, the first king of both Arnor and Gondor. Mardil Voronwe, the first of the line of Ruling Stewards of Gondor, etc.

Altho Anderson never wrote an authorized story set in Tolkien's Middle Earth, he loved THE LORD OF THE RINGS and wrote an essay detailing how it affected him. The essay was called "Awakening the Elves" and can be found in MEDITATIONS ONE MIDDLE EARTH.

Ad astra! Sean

Sean M. Brooks said...

