Friday 26 February 2021

"Door To Anywhere" III

See "Door To Anywhere" II. 

The complementarity principle:

every description of reality is limited and incomplete;

prima facie inconsistent descriptions may be equally valid because they emphasize different aspects;

sub-atomic entities can be described as particles or as waves in different circumstances;

the universe can be described either as finite but unbounded or as infinite and permeated by the matter-creation field;

a probe sent via many way stations to a planet fifteen billion light-years away looks through a gate to a distance of a further billion light-years and detects nothing, then reaches through the gate and disappears;

the explanation is that the cosmic radius is not twenty billion light-years as had been thought but somewhere between fifteen and sixteen billion so that the probe has reached into inter-universal space where the physical constants are different and atoms expand, absorbing energy.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

"Door to Anywhere" is a puzzling and difficult story, one which needs to be read more than once before I can properly grasp it. And I say that as a compliment, not a criticism! It's good that Anderson sometimes wrote stories that forces readers to work at understanding what he was trying to say in those stories.

Ad astra! Sean