Wednesday 24 February 2021

Our Hope

A Knight Of Ghosts And Shadows, XX.

Bodin Miyatovich to Dominic Flandry:

"'Between us, my friend, I dare hope myself that what I care about will still be there when the Empire is gone. However, that scarcely touches our lifetimes.'" (p. 604)

St. Kossara brings peace through Bodin's valor: 

"Sing, poets, of his fame and honor! Long may God give us folk like these!
"And may they hearten each one of us. For in this is our hope.
"Amen." (p. 606)

With Bodin and with the anonymous author of this heartfelt prayer, we hope that the Dennitzan peace continues long after the Fall of the Terran Empire.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Amen! And I would hope the "...poor, wayworn Empire" still had several centuries of existence left. It really wasn't that bad!

Ad astra! Sean