Monday 18 November 2019

Ogier And All

Rogue Sword, CHAPTER VIII.

Violante, a woman attracted to Lucas, compares him to:

"'...Huon of Bordeaux, he who became a lord in France.'" (p. 126)

Ogier is Holger Danske (see image):

hero of Poul Anderson's Three Hearts And Three Lions;

minor character in Anderson's A Midsummer Tempest;

referenced in Anderson's The Devil's Game (see here) and in his "Time Heals" (see here).

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I've actually been looking up Holger Danske night, and saw references to his role in Anderson's THREE HEARTS AND THREE LIONS. I was looking up THE SONG OF ROLAND, also mentioned in ROGUE SWORD, and that led to other heroes of the chansons de geste, such as Holger.

Ad astra! Sean