Wednesday 13 November 2019

A Short Post

Rogue Sword, CHAPTER V, continues with a host of historical references that I am too tired to google this evening but blogging will continue. The image shows Roger di Flor who is one of our historical references in this chapter but will be far from the last.

We must return from our meta-temporal perspective of alternative and future histories to focus yet again on Mediterranean coasts and islands in the early fourteenth century AD.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

If Roger De Flore had kept better control of the Catalan Grand Company and the Byzantines had not treated them with such treachery, history might have turned out very differently! I've read of how the Grand Company drove the Turks back eastwards as far as Armenia. If that had been kept up we might not have had an Ottoman Empire to be a threat and danger to Europe for centuries.

Ad astra! Sean