Friday 29 November 2019

A Few Details

SM Stirling, Shadows Of Annihilation, FOURTEEN-FIFTEEN.

The shadows move closer.

Luz was taught philosophy by a Professor Ganz, a surname familiar to readers of Poul Anderson's Time Patrol series. See here.

Another real person is mentioned, Alice Roosevelt Longworth. When the timelines have diverged for a generation or two, they will no longer have any individuals in common. For example, the course of Alice's life in timeline (B) will differ from its course in timeline (A). Consequently, whether or when she has children will also differ. Therefore, the children, if any, will be genetically different and will also grow up differently.

Luz wishes an early, painful death on an enemy. I would wish only for his early death.

Luz and Ciara share a tarte Normande (see The Food Thread):

pastry crust;
slivered almonds;
egg custard;
sweetened cream;
creamed butter;
apple slices;
caramelized apricot glaze.

(A tired blogger takes refuge in easily accessible details.)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The trouble with things like "tarte Normande" is how unsuitable they are for people who want or need to watch their weight! (Smiles)

Ad astra! Sean