Friday 15 November 2019

A Few Future Histories II

It is kind of interesting to stay with this sequence:

Stage IV
Heinlein: discovery of FTL and anti-age treatment and end of the Future History;

Anderson (1): a Galactic civilization and end of the Psychotechnic History;

Anderson (2): the Terran Empire;

Blish: end of Okie culture and flight of New York to the Greater Magellanic Cloud while the anti-matter-wielding Web of Hercules replaces Earthman culture in the Milky Way.

Stage V
Anderson (2): the Long Night;

Blish: cosmic collision, new creations and end of Cities In Flight.

Stage VI
Anderson (2): subsequent interstellar civilizations and end of Technic History.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Blish has "antiagathics" in his Okie books. So I think you could have mentioned how Anderson's Technic civilization had "antisenescence" for prolonging human life spans. Yes, I realize "antisenescence" treatments only modestly prolonged human spans of life, to about age 110 at the most.

Ad astra! Sean