Tuesday 29 August 2023



Mirkheim, X.

A Baburite tells Grand Duchess Sandra that Babur must establish a protectorate over Hermes in order to prevent the Solar Commonwealth from mobilizing Hermetian resources against Babur. This argument would make sense if the Commonwealth had been the aggressor in the first place. The Baburite adds:

"'[Baburites'] ways and yours are so mutually foreign that interference of one with another is unlikely in the extreme.'" (p. 151)

Sandra tells her son, Eric:

"'We're promised internal self-government... I can't imagine any interest the Baburites might take in our local politics.'" (p. 153)

Baburites will not take any such interest but their native High Commissioner, Benoni Strang, certainly does:

"'We're going to have a revolution here, madam. I hope you and your upper classes will willingly assist it. But be that as it may, the revolution is going to happen.'" (XIII, p. 194)

What better way of uniting Hermetians, including Travers, against the proposed revolution?


S.M. Stirling said...

Yup. Internal divisions usually yield to us-vs.-them feelings in situations like that.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And the Baburites did not yet know they were being manipulated. Wheels within wheels!

Ad astra! Sean