Wednesday 30 August 2023

Fifteen Future Historical Details

If we have read Poul Anderson's Psychotechnic League Tetralogy followed by his novel, The People of the Wind, then his The Earth Book of Stormgate collection fills in a lot of previously undisclosed historical details:

human discovery of Ythri;
Ythrian-human exploration of Gray/Avalon;
Adzel's student days;
what Falkayn did on Merseia;
how van Rijn came to Mirkheim;
five other incidents in the League period;
two stages in the human-Ythrian colonization of Avalon.

A comprehensive and impressive list but still not complete. Three stories that have to be collected separately cover:

exploration of the outer Solar System;
Manuel Argos' slave revolt;
the early Terran Empire.

I keep saying that the Technic History is a good future history series because it is. We approach the end of a month so I might slow down with posts. 


DaveShoup2MD said...

Agreed. It is pretty good. ;)

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Dave!

I agree.

Falling behind again. I felt the need to revise my latest guest article that Paul so kindly uploads here.

Ad astra! Sean