Tuesday 29 August 2023

Nicholas Van Rijn's Social Life In The Hotel Universe

Mirkhem, III, IX.

For a poor old lonely fat man who does not want to be a burden on a state that is only good for overtaxing hardworking merchants, Nicholas van Rijn sure puts himself about a lot. He addresses the Council of the Polesotechnic League in Lunograd. Because he is the leading independent, his voice carries weight although he is not able to shift the votes of either cartel. The Council ends indecisively. 

In Chapter III, van Rijn entertains Hanny Lennart and Bayard Story to canapes and conversation in his Hotel Universe suite. In IX, Story entertains van Rijn to dinner in the Saturn Room of the Hotel Universe. It is here that van Rijn recommends onion soup a la Ansa and discourses on Our Lord's first miracle.

Van Rijn withstands pressure to support Story's cartel but otherwise is friendly and avuncular towards the younger man, not yet knowing what hides beneath the surface. Van Rijn and others will attack the Seven in Space militarily when Falkayn has unearthed the truth.

Van Rijn and Falkayn make a good team.


S.M. Stirling said...

I don't think van Rijn's pretence of humility is even intended to deceive -- it's part of an act to make people underestimate thim.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I agree and Old Nick makes me laugh so much!

Ad astra! Sean