Monday 7 August 2023

Into The Future

The Dog And The Wolf, XXI, 1.

"I am committed, Gratillonius thought. There's no way back. But where is it we're bound?" (p. 411)

"We do not know where we are going. Nor do most of us know. For us it is enough that we are on our way.
"-Le Matelot."
-Poul Anderson, INTRODUCTION HIDING PLACE IN Anderson, The Van Rijn Method (Riverdale, NY, December 2009), pp. 555-556 AT p. 556.

"The entire organization was so vast that he could not really appreciate the fact. He had entered something new and exciting, that was all he truly grasped with all layers of yet."
-Poul Anderson, "Time Patrol" IN Anderson, Time Patrol (Riverdale, NY, December 2010), pp. 1-53 AT 2, p. 13.

In Poul Anderson's three main series, his characters approach the future with apprehension or anticipation. I agree with those Ythrians in the Technic History who see the shadow of God the Hunter across the future.

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