Tuesday 2 July 2019

The New Mental Landscape

For Love And Glory, XXX.

After memory editing:

the same person;
but with fog cleared away;
memory gaps that don't matter;
recorded experiences kept;
memories of blunders;
hopefully better thoughts and actions for the next few centuries.

News arrives of the black hole collision. How can Hebo profit from it?

"Though what I could actually do -
"It struck him like a fist. He stood amazed." (p. 163)

Another moment of realization. As ever, we have to wait to be told what it is:

"Avi cocked her head. 'Seems like you've suddenly had an idea.'
"'Uh-huh,' he mumbled. 'I, I'd rater not say anything. It's too vague yet. Probably too far-fetched.'" (ibid.)

It won't be.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I've wondered, is memory overload a bit like the beginnings of Alzheimer's? A slowly increasing inability to accurately judge and evaluate? And this mental fog a bit like the fuzziness due to drinking a little too much alcohol? And couldn't memory editing had been developed as a means of treating Alzheimer's?
