Thursday 18 July 2019

The Redheaded League

Star Prince Charlie, Chapter 5, is entitled "The Redheaded League" because:

every chapter in this novel is named after some previous text;

the title character of the novel is red-haired;

"'...the Prince of the Prophecy...'" (2, p. 25) is said to be "'...Royally red-haired...'" (3, p. 35);

the former is being mistaken for the latter.

Lord Dzenko's room has:

frescoes of battle scenes with blood depicted in bright scarlet pigment;

a single narrow window admitting a shaft of sunlight;


carved chairs.

We learn yet another facet of Hoka role-play. As soon as Charlie introduces Hector as "'...Sir Hector MacKenzie...,'" (5, p. 48) Hector incorporates the title into his persona, recounting how:

"' ancestor o' mine was ennobled after the Battle o' Otterburn.'" (ibid.)

- and has to be restrained from telling the story in verse.

Nicholas van Rijn has a comparable ability to enact an appropriate role, unprepared.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And Lord Dzenko was another crucial character in STAR PRINCE CHARLIE. Before then, almost any other baron Charlie and Hector met would have acted in ways that would have destroyed this fantasy! Either from loyalty to the usurper or by simply not being as COMPETENT as Dzenko.

Sean said...

You have caught up. No more posts for many hours.