Wednesday 24 July 2019

How Charlie Recovers

Star Prince Charlie, 15, The Prince.

Charlie must:

recover from horror;
settle matters in the kingdom;
prevent further civil wars;
avoid giving the impression that he is an agent of human imperialism;
accomplish the remaining Feat;

He has undergone personal changes that will empower him to carry this off.

First, recovery and healing on the isle of Stalgesh after which the Battle is named:

fresh air;
plain food;
ample rest;
good company.

"...he had grown more thoughtful, more aware of the troubles which haunt the universe but less ready to find simple causes or instant cures for them." (p. 160)

I asked in The Great Ghost whether the universe was haunted but there I meant it literally.

The Buddha sought and found the cause of suffering, the end of suffering and the way to the end of suffering: a simple cause but not an instant cure. See Four Noble Truths.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

"Withdrawal" might well not have been a practical or desirable option if Charlie had been a native New Lemurian. However, being of an alien race on that planet, it might work.
