Tuesday 16 July 2019

On The Road To Destiny

Star Prince Charlie, 2.

Owners or hirelings trundle loaded wagons;

there are a few imported mules (horses and stathas are imported to colonized planets in the Technic History);

riders on kangaroo-like yachis bandage their jaws "...against the continual jolting."(p. 27);

children herd fowl and animals;

peasants work in the grain fields;

trawlers and an island become visible at sea;

at sunset, Charlie reaches "...Grushka and his destiny." (p. 28)

We have already seen what that destiny will be. See The Prince Of The Prophecy.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

That bit about the imported mules is a very telling touch! Animals like mules and horses would come to play a very necessary role on New Lemuria until they could be replaced by powered machines.

We already had some idea of Charlie Stuart's role, but of course HE did not, as yet.
