Friday 12 July 2019


For Love And Glory, IL.

I am trying to squeeze every datum out of this fact-packed chapter. Its condensed reasoning is not easy to understand or remember.

Hebo postulates that:

when the Forerunners foresaw the black hole collision millions of years in advance, they made arrangements to observe it;

however, they have probably learned so much since then that any newly collected data are unlikely to surprise them;

Earth is interested enough to build the guardian ship but maybe only to preserve the Forerunner artifacts.

At the galactic core, there are:

lethal radiation;
unstable orbits;
stellar collisions;
a massive black hole absorbing stars.

Could the Forerunners or any other life have evolved, survived and grown powerful there? If not, then the Forerunners, who might be intelligent machines, could have gone to the core to utilize all that energy which would make it an easy matter for them to establish a base on the highly energized inner planet of the giant star.

After all this speculation, the explorers must now take a closer look at the Forerunner artifacts on the outer planet.

If the Forerunners are intelligent machines and if the artifacts are intelligent machines, then are the artifacts the Forerunners?

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Having just a wee bit of paranoia, I seriously doubt Earth sent that guardian ship to the Forerunner base for anything so innocuous as protecting it from harm! And I don't think Poul Anderson would have anything so anticlimactic for motivating Earth's actions if he had written a second book in the FLAG timeline.
