Wednesday 5 June 2019

Multi-Layered Consistencies

The People Of The Wind.

Consistencies with earlier installments come fast and furious.

At last we see the planet Esperance that Joyce Davisson had come from in the van Rijn story, "Territory."

"...they were strolling in the garden. Rosebushes and cherry trees might almost have been growing on Terra; Esperance was a prize among colony planets." (III, p. 471)

One of the strollers, Luisa, is from the dry planet of Nuevo Mexico as was the ensign in the van Rijn story, "The Master Key."

The two strollers are guarded by four-armed Gorzunians whom we have already encountered both in the van Rijn/Falkayn novel, Satan's World, and in the single story about Manuel I, "The Star Plunderer."

The other stroller, Saracoglu, refers to:

"'...the Antoranite-Kraokan complex around Beta Centauri...," (p. 473) which had appeared in the Falkayn story, "A Sun Invisible";

the planet Dathyna, which had appeared in Satan's World, now controlled by Ythri;

Merseia, which was introduced in the Falkayn story, "Day of Burning," now building a rival empire;

Luisa invokes a familiar theme:

"'The galaxy's so huge, this tiny fleck of it we've explored...'" (p. 475) (See here.)

Saracoglu refers to the Grand Survey discovery of Ythri which had been described in "Wings of Victory" and mentions:

the "'...old trade pioneer...,'" (p. 476) who had led the colonization of Avalon;

the collapse of the Polesotechnic League fifty years later;

the Troubles, which were described in "The Star Plunderer."


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I see our old friends, the Gorzunians seems to have accepted their defeat and were forgiven, which is what Manuel I desired. The Gorzuni seem to have filled a role similar to what was once true of Switzerland: exporting mercenaries or signing up in the Imperial armed forces.

I think the Empire gained control of the Antoranite-Kraoka complex after the war with Ythri. And I had to raise an eyebrow at the idea of the New Shenna of Dathyna being vassals of the Domain!

Sean said...

We also saw them in MIRKHEIM as members of Supermetals.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I forgot about them! Unfortunately, the Gorzuni of those times eventually turned to piracy, slave raiding, and failed attempts at conquest before the Founder of the Empire defeated them.
