Friday 28 June 2019

Lissa's Sister And The Milky Way

For Love And Glory, XI.

In X, Lissa is about to tell Valen a secret but first they discuss preliminaries and the chapter ends with him serving her coffee. Thus, it seems that we will not learn the secret until later. However, XI continues their conversation.

Lissa shows Valen a recorded message from Evana Davysdaughter Windholm. Same House, same father, different personal name. Thus, Lissa's sister, in fact eighty years older but looking younger because of a recent rejuvenation. After two hundred years, Asborg remains underpopulated despite longevity so these guys must practice a lot of birth control.

Evana uses the adjective, "Asborgan," so I have corrected "Asborgian" wherever it appeared on the blog.

"The scene cut to a magnified image of the outsider vessel, a black blade athwart stars and Milky Way." (p. 63)

Objects can be seen against, across or athwart the Milky Way.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Given long lifespans and a small initial population, I can see Asborg having a small number of people for a long time without needing to use artificial BC methods.
