Thursday 13 June 2019

An Interstellar Religious Synthesis

Might a Christian-Ythrian New Faith synthesis adopt the crucifix as an image of a human being honoring God the Hunter? Indubitably. Religious symbols are endlessly malleable.

Of course, this would differ from the orthodox Christian belief that the Crucifixion was a blood sacrifice. And the honoring of God the Hunter is not followed by any resurrection.

I have a third view of the Crucifixion. Jesus, accepting Peter's proclamation of him as the Messiah but rejecting a military Messiahship, identified himself with the Suffering Servant and thought that his own vicarious suffering would initiate the kingdom. He expected not death and resurrection but divine intervention and died realizing that this expectation had not been fulfilled. Hence, his last words. Thus, I think that the Crucifixion represents a wrong path taken. However, his earlier preaching of the kingdom, i.e., the possibility of a new society and a new consciousness, remains perpetually relevant.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree Christ's kingdom was not of this world. But I don't agree with your interpretation of the Crucifixion. My view remains the orthodox Christian belief that Our Lord knowingly and willing offered Himself up as the once and for all sacrifice bringing redemption to mankind. And that the supreme proof of this faith was an actual resurrection of Christ from the dead.
