Saturday 29 June 2019

(Un-)Reachable Sister Galaxies

The preceding post ended by referring to the Andersonian theme of unreachable sister galaxies but, as we have also observed, Anderson addresses every option and other galaxies are reached in his:

Tau Zero
The Avatar
World Without Stars

- as also in James Blish's:

Cities In Flight
The Quincunx Of Time
the two Jack Loftus novels (by the "Angels")

Although I know of and have referred to other intergalactic sf, I respectfully suggest that Anderson and Blish do it better than anyone else.

Meanwhile, FLAG will keep us occupied for quite a while yet.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yes, but the "Eleonora Christine" only reached other galaxies by accident and thru Einsteinian which its crew had not wanted to use. The ship was originally designed only for reaching relatively nearby stars by STL means in TAU ZERO.
