Sunday 30 June 2019

Of Or Pertaining To Planets

I have corrected an error in a recent post:

"In the Technic History, a 'planetarist' is a 'planetographer.'"

- has been changed to:

"In the Technic History, a 'planetarist' is a 'planetologist.'"

An SSL trade pioneer crew comprises a Master Merchant, a planetologist and a xenobiologist of different species. A planetographer would map planets whereas a planetologist would have knowledge of planets.

In popular sf, there are also two sets of "Planeteers":

Tommy Tomorrow of the Planeteers
Captain Planet and the Planeteers

I have just had a good night out and this is what I do between coming home and going to bed.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I just realized something. Planetologists would seem to be the successors of the scientists we now call "geologists." Except that in the future their geological work was expanded or extended to cover all other planets.

Sean said...

Good thinking.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Thanks! Geology would no longer be merely the study of EARTH, but the study of PLANETS.
