Wednesday 12 June 2019

The Great Khruath Of Avalon

The People Of The Wind.

"'We are met in the Great Khruath of Avalon that free folk may choose their way.'" (XI, p. 560)

The Terran Admiral has demanded surrender.

"'They who speak for you rejected the demand, as was their duty until you could be summoned to decide.'" (ibid.)

I agree with this kind of democracy. Years ago, a woman called Maggie, who was a Lancaster City Councillor and a resident of our street (see the link), worked in a small restaurant where she recruited the half dozen staff into a trade union. They elected her as their shop steward. She informed the employers who immediately sacked her. The staff struck and a union full time officer arrived to negotiate. Walking past the picket line, he conversed with the employers and emerged to tell his members,"I have negotiated. The employers recognize the union and you can elect a steward." The staff: "We have elected Maggie." The full timer: "You can't have Maggie. She doesn't work here any more!" The staff: "We are striking for her reinstatement. We will do it with you or without you." So they won Maggie's reinstatement and her recognition as their steward without any help from the full timer.

Also years ago, a Labour-led City Council was in disagreement with the national Labour Party. At the national Party Conference, a representative of that City Council was pressed to agree with the national Party which he did instead of replying that it was his duty to reject the demand until those who had elected him had decided otherwise.

Within trade unions and political parties, much more so than within geographical Parliamentary constituencies, we can and should campaign for Khruath-style democracy. And well written futuristic sf always has contemporary relevance.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

This kind of bottoms up rather than top down democracy sounds good in theory and in many small, practical cases, but I also recall Anderson writing in some skepticism about how he doubted it would work on a LARGE scale for humans. Objections and contrary examples also need to be kept in mind.

Sean said...


Several things are on our side:

the possibility of genuinely educating and informing every individual;
information and communication technology;
common interests;
the changeability and variability of human cultures.

I think that a great deal will be accomplished in future if only humanity survives long enough.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

"Genuine" education may be possible, but I don't believe all human beings will ever be like that. Some from choice, because they don't CARE. And others because they CAN'T be educated like that.

And not everybody will even use that kind of information/communications technology. And SOME will abuse it.

Common interests will unite some, even if it's only a shared passion for chess!

And we need to get OFF this rock to make sure the possibility for human cultures to show that changeability and variation SURVIVES. We agree on that much!

Hurry up, Elon Musk! Send that colonizing expedition to Mars SOON!!!

Sean said...

I see the move into space as part of the answer. (I remain skeptical of Musk until he starts to deliver.) Another part is international cooperation to clean up one big mess on Earth. The sovereign peoples need to tell the governments, foreign ministries and state departments of their respective armed nation-states to stop competing for economic and strategic supremacy. We have more urgent and basic problems to address.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I forgot to add that the FURTHER you go up the political ladder, more and more people with opposing or contrary views will be involved. That means parties and factions who don't agree with each other on many issues. It will become NOTHING like the Khruaths of Ythri. By and large I think that will be good because what might work for one race is not likely to work for a different intelligent species.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree on the need for skepticism until Mr. Musk actually sends that expedition to Mars. As for our messes on Earth, my belief is that a REAL space will help in cleaning them up, by moving a good deal of industry off Earth.

But I'm skeptical of what you hope for politically. Because you overlook how MANY support their countries ambitions for political and strategic supremacy. Millions do believe in opposing ideologies or faiths like Islam contending for supremacy.
