Saturday 8 June 2019

Space Battle

The People Of The Wind, VII.

When Ansa launches the three-being Meteor boat, Hooting Star, the negagrav screen for that area of her surface is momentarily switched off;

Hooting Star's radar detects an approaching torpedo;

the Hooting Star gunner, Wa Chou/"Watch Out" (Cynthian), destroys the torpedo with an energy beam;

Rochefort, commanding and piloting Hooting Star, lasers Ansa squadron control (SC) that he has detected and will pursue the Avalonian boat that had launched the intercepted torpedo;

SC replies that, if Hooting Star wins, then she must go to specified coordinates where meanwhile Ansa and Ganymede will be trying to saturate the defenses of an enemy light destroyer;

when an energy beam hits, Hooting Star automatically veers, shifting weight inside;

any hole made is small enough to self-seal;

Rochefort dives his boat at the enemy;

two enemy beams strike;

Wa Chou hits their sources;

both boats launch torps;

Wa Chou wrecks the incoming;

the enemy explodes;

a fragment hits Hooting Star;

Hooting Star return in time to see the enemy battleship explode.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Jerry Pournelle and S.M. Stirling were very good at depicting futuristic land war in their Co-Dominium and Draka timelines. And I think Poul Anderson did very well at showing us what war in SPACE will very likely be.
