Thursday, 9 August 2018

Checking The Vocabulary

Poul Anderson, The Winter Of The World.

"...close-cropped hair and beard streaked white through their sorrel." (I, p. 14)

"Arvanneth had more holes and burrows than a hull the teredos had been at..." (II, p. 19)

"...he could pull a flemished line in there to sit on..." (II, p. 20)

"...damascened blade..." (III, p. 34)

" bolero..." (III, p. 34)

"They were as mutually alien as eagle and peccary..." (III, p. 37)

"Their Barommian cavalry...had too little water and forage on the loess plains." (V, p. 59)

"Sherds crunched..." (V, p. 59)

And that is all the word googling that I want to do this evening.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The word I which was most unknown to me was "flemished." I had at least some vague understanding of the other words you listed.
