Monday 20 August 2018

Conflict (What Else?) On Mars

Poul Anderson, "The Children of Fortune." See here.

The North American mutants:

land on Mars;

analyze the environment;

begin to build Port Drummond, mostly underground;

are attacked by four Siberians;

kill two, causing the others to flee;

organize a scouting party to locate and reconnoiter the Siberian ship.

Thus, the nature of the narrative changes yet again. We have had:

post-nuclear survival and recovery;
rapid technological progress;
Martian exploration;

The narrative is going somewhere because it will culminate on a colonized outer moon in the further future.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I admit I'm impatient for Elon Musk to hurry up and send his own expedition to Mars!
