Monday 27 August 2018

Important Planets In The Technic History

There are no stories about Woden or Cynthia although there are important Wodenites and Cynthians. There is an even more important Hermetian: Hermes appears in Mirkheim and A Stone In Heaven.

Ythri is visited by an exploratory spaceship in "Wings of Victory" and approached by a hostile space fleet in The People Of The Wind. The Domain of Ythri is significant.

Diomedes is the entire setting of The Man Who Counts and reappears in A Knight Of Ghosts And Shadows.

Mirkheim is in "Lodestar" and Mirkheim whereas Satan is in Satan's World and The Rebel Worlds.

Three stories and most of The People Of The Wind are set on Avalon.

David Falkayn and his crew visit Merseia in "Day of Burning," Dominic Flandry goes there in Ensign Flandry and there are further scenes on the planet in The Game Of Empire.

Aeneas is seen briefly in The Rebel Worlds and is the entire setting of The Day Of Their Return.

Dennitza and Chereion appear only in A Knight Of Ghosts And Shadows.

Twelve planets, all important, and a thirteenth significant world is - Terra.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I would certainly think Terra, capital world of the Empire, would be significant! We are shown Admiralty Center in THE REBEL WORLDS and WE CLAIM THESE STARS. And the Coral Palace in ENSIGN FLANDRY, A KNIGHT OF GHOSTS AND SHADOWS, and A STONE IN HEAVEN (along with glimpses of Archopolis and the High Sierra). But I would like to have seen more of Terra!

Sean said...

An entire novel could be written about the everyday life of someone living there.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

While I think that could be interesting, I'm not sure that would "sell." A whole novel about the every day life and activities of a man or woman living on Terra during, say, Josip's reign, might not interest many readers. Even if the science fictional/futuristic background was interesting in its own right. Something would be needed to drive the plot of such a story, some kind of problem or conflict, major or minor.

Sean said...

But it could be just the events and dramas of an ordinary life.