Wednesday 29 August 2018

Storm And War

Poul Anderson, World Without Stars, XV.

Hugh Valland shoots a fleeing Ai Chun, then:

"The storm rolled upon us." (p. 116)

Dark clouds hide the sun. There is thunder, lightning and whipping rain. Nature joins the violence. The traitor, Yo Rorn, screams and is killed by one of his guards - who has just seen a god killed.

Valland killed the Ai Chun to demonstrate to both sides that they are mortal. He says:

"'We've got to be ruthless, or surrender right now. I suppose there are limits to what we can decently do, but I don't think we've reached 'em yet.'" (p. 116)

We have heard this on Earth in revolutions and post-revolutionary regimes. Valland leads a planetary revolution.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I thought the Ai Chun were indifferent to their individual mortality, because they believed they were reincarnated in their children.

And most revolutions and post-revolutionary regimes don't deserve to either succeed in seizing power or to last long in power.

Sean said...

Valland wanted to demonstrate to both Herd and Packs that the worshiped or feared Ai Chun were immortal.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I think you meant Valland wanted to show the Herd and the Packs that the Ai Chun were MORTAL?

Sean said...

Yes. Or not immortal. So the demonstration was not for the benefit of the Ai Chun.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Exactly! To destroy the mystique of the Ai Chun.
