Thursday 2 August 2018

Captain Brodersen

So far, while rereading Poul Anderson's The Avatar, I have highlighted:

the avatars;
the holothete;
the T machine jumps;
the noxious villains -

- but have not yet found much to say about our hero, Dan Brodersen, who is yet another of Anderson's competent entrepreneurial types - maybe a bit like Gunnar Heim in The Star Fox?

In The Avatar, XXXIII, Brodersen proposes that his spaceship, Chinook, of which he is the captain, should send its space boat, Williwaw, to explore the planet, Pandora. He further proposes that he himself should be among the crew of the Williwaw - and has to defend this second proposal! - unlike a certain more well-known Starship Captain.

Star Trek fans, read Anderson!

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I too was comparing Dan Brodersen to one of Anderson's competent entrepreneur heroes. Only it was Anson Guthrie I had mind, not Gunnar Heim.

And I really wish STAR TREK fans would try the works of Poul Anderson! Far better than that overrated TV show. And STAR WARS fans as well!
