Saturday 1 October 2022

Some Single Instalments

The following subject matters each receive a single instalment in Poul Anderson's Technic History:

interplanetary exploration
the Grand Survey, including first contact with Ythri
the exploration of Gray/Avalon
Adzel's student days on Earth
the colonization of the Hesperian Islands
the colonization of the Coronan continent
the Time of Troubles
the Terran-Ythrian War
the planet Freehold
the Long Night
the period of the Commonalty

Eleven instalments, enough for a shorter future history. The Technic History totals forty-three instalments. The Troubles separate the Solar Commonwealth period, featuring van Rijn and Falkayn, from the Terran Empire period, featuring Flandry, whereas the Long Night separates the Empire from the Allied Planets.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

A bit puzzled why there was no mention of "A Little Knowledge" or "Day of Burning." The events involving Trillia and Merseia in those stories touched on the problems and dangers Terra and Technic civilization would face.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Sure. I knew some other stories might be added to the list. I left out "Day of Burning" because I thought of it as part of the Falkayn/trader team sub-series.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It, but some of what we see in "Day" had ominous implications for the future.

A pity we never see Trillia again in the Technic history.

Ad astra! Sean