Saturday 22 October 2022

Evolving Apes

The Night Face, VIII.

On Gwydion, apes that live near human settlements and have observed human beings using tools have not begun to make tools themselves and have not attacked human beings. A flock that lives farther away carries shaped bones, attacks Tolteca and Raven and ties their hands together with vines but nevertheless throws away the men's guns and even their knives.

Raven, having escaped, concludes that:

the apes are not intelligent and cannot be responsible for past violence against human beings on Gwydion;

inbreeding of a mutation may have increased intelligence in the flock that attacked him and Tolteca;

but even that flock lacks the means or persistence to break into houses, which has been done in the past.

But why do the Gwydiona resent Raven's attempts to solve this mystery?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The Gwydiona resented Raven's inquiries because he was getting too close to finding out what was wrong on Gwydion. In some ways THE NIGHT FACE is a mystery story.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

People generally resent attempts to expose a rationalization. That's just human nature.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

That is a more accurate description of what was going on in Gwydion.

Ad astra! Sean