Monday 24 October 2022

Fictions And Divergent Realities

What is fiction in one world might be real in another. Might human beings colonize a planet without realizing that it already has intelligent inhabitants? This is an implausible theory on Gwydion in Poul Anderson's Technic History but a reality on Nerthus in Anderson's Psychotechnic History. An author can develop the same idea in different directions.

A single fictional planet can exist in different fictional timelines. The planet, Lithia, explodes in 2050 in A Case Of Conscience by James Blish but still exists millennia later in The Seedling Stars by Blish - as do real planets like Earth and Mars, of course.

Gwydion is introduced in The Night Face and referred to as a sad case in "The Sharing of Flesh." A pyramidally structured future history series continues to incorporate new data until it reaches its apex.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I was reminded of the much earlier Technic story "Hiding Place." The problem faced by Old Nick there was figuring out which of the animals in the zoo ship he had captured were not animals but an intelligent species hiding from people they thought were pirates.

Pity we don't have even one Young Nick story!

Ad astra! Sean