Saturday 8 October 2022

Magnusson And Flandry II

The Game Of Empire

Dominic Flandry says that lasting peace is impossible between Terrans and Merseians:

"'...unless and until the civilization that dominates them goes under or changes its character completely. The Roidhun could make a personal appearance singing "Jesus loves me" and I'd still want us to keep our warheads armed.'" (p. 396)

I am against the use of warheads on a single planet but how should an interstellar civilization with FTL respond to a threat like the Merseian Roidhunate? What is important here is that, if the Roidhunate did go under or change completely, then Terran Intelligence agents like Flandry would know and would change the advice that they were giving to the Imperial Policy Board.

"Flandry was practiced at keeping vigilance behind a mask of bonhomie." (pp. 394-395)

We have seen Flandry developing such skills since Ensign Flandry.

Magnusson summarizes the history of human-Merseian interactions:

"'...the Terran rescue mission upset their whole order of things and found ways to get rich off their tragedy -..." (p. 397)


"'...the Starkad incident caused relations to deteriorate entirely.'" (p. 398)


Both Flandry and Magnusson visited Merseia in their teens and befriended young Merseians but they drew opposite conclusions.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

In the situation described only force or the threat of force by the Empire and its allies could restrain or hold at bay Merseia.

And warheads can be used on planets against legitimate military targets. Esp, if they were low yield tactical nukes (as was done on Freehold in "Outpost of Empire").

Yes, Flandry and others like him would change their advice to the Policy Board if the Roidhunate either collapsed or underwent that kind of drastic change.

Snf Magnusson was wrong on how he characterized seen in "Day of Burning." Because not all Merseians were like Morruchan Long Ax or the Demonists. Others like the Star Believers were far more friendly to non-Merseians. The SBs even included some members from Wilwidh Ocean vachs.

And what happened at Starkad was a Merseian plot against the Empire being scuppered!

Ad astra! Sean