Thursday 20 October 2022

The Concept Of Chaos

The war of Law and Chaos is waged in Poul Anderson's fantasies, Three Hearts And Three Lions and Operation Chaos.

Anderson's Time Patrol agents counteract temporal chaos.

Chaos is one of the Night Faces on the planet Gwydion in Anderson's The Night Face.

However, in some other novels by Anderson, the villains are those bureaucrats, ideologues or even artificial intelligences who regard human freedom as unpredictable and chaotic, therefore to be controlled and suppressed. 

Either way, chaos is clearly a key concept or set of concepts.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

My thought was that without accepting risk, danger, the chance of failure, etc., there would be no true freedom. Attempts to eliminate all risks is more likely to end with what we see in "The High Ones," elimination of conscious, self aware minds within a race.

Ad astra! Sean