Friday 14 October 2022

Gravity Control

Landing on the midget planet, Nike (0.15 Terrestrial mass):

"Tom cut the engines and gee-field. Native gravity, one-half standard, hit him with giddiness." (p. 479)

It would, wouldn't it?  But will human beings ever control gravity fields? Gravity control, like FTL, is convenient in one kind of sf but, so far, there is no theoretical basis for it - as far as I know.

Will this kind of technology be developed in this century and, if so, will civilization last long enough to use it?  I grew up with two kinds of speculative futures:

majority view, spaceships;
minority view, post-crisis survival.

Which is our future?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

My preference, and hope, is for mankind to have a space faring future!

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

There's nothing inherently impossible in gravity control. Gravity is a function of warped space, warped by mass, but that's just an application of (potential) energy. Transmuting one form of energy into another is 'what we do' -- we transmute heat into mechanical motion into electricity, for example.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

And that encourages me to hope Technic style gravity control might be possible. If the nuts and bolts engineering problems can be solved.

Ad astra! Sean