Sunday 11 September 2022

Opposite Ends II

Syrax and Vixen
Merseians and Terrans fight in the Syrax Cluster beyond Antares. Meanwhile, in the opposite direction from Terra, unknown aliens, called "Ardazhiro," besiege and occupy the human-colonized planet, Vixen, one hundred light years within the Terran sphere. There is some evidence that the gas-giant-dwelling Ymirites are backing the Ardazhiro but this is all a trick by the Merseian agent, Aycharaych. When this is revealed, the Ardazhiro join the Terran Empire and their fleet is almost destroyed attacking the Merseians at Syrax! The Merseians make peace.

Poul Anderson and Dominic Flandry devise neat solutions to complicated problems. Here fiction and real life part company. Find a neat solution to the current multiple problems. (I was not aiming at that conclusion. It just came up.)


S.M. Stirling said...

People occasionally do find neat solutions. It's just not all that common.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

Russia attacked Ukraine and that has turned out to be a catastrophe as the much vaunted Russian army has proven to be not much better than a paper bear. And that shambolic "partial mobilization" ordered by Dictator Putin has been another disaster for Russia!

Putin might try to reverse these humiliating setbacks by using tactical nukes to crush Ukraine and terrify into submission internal discontent.

But I am not so sure such a "simple" solution would work.

Ad astra! Sean